Apple Almond Cereal

After so many cloudy days, I was starting to feel like I would never be able to solar cook again! It’s so frustrating to have all your cooking and baking planned only to find out that it won’t work.

Never fear though. I noticed that the clouds tended to stay away until lunchtime, so I decided to try a new cereal recipe. It’s from Brendan Brazier’s Thrive book, and while he calls it cereal, I might call it granola.

Apple Almond Cereal

1/2 diced apple

1 cup oats

1/2 cup diced almonds

1/2 cup ground flax

1/2 cup hemp powder

1/2 cup sunflower seeds



1/4 cup honey

2 Tbsp water

Mix all ingredients together well. Solar cook for about an hour on a flat tray.


Serve like granola. Keep the extra in the refrigerator in a sealed container.

Rating: okay. The hemp gives it a different texture then I am used to eating. It’s not bad, but I’m not sure it’s worth the hour in the morning. Maybe it will make a good trail mix? The seeds are chokable for my little guys too, so if I do make this again, I will probably put it in the food processor first.